Flexible Connectors

An innovative technology from BROEN-LAB

USP #1
Get full flexibility

Our hoses and pipes are designed for modern laboratories that need to adapt to changing requirements on a frequent basis.

USP #2
Get hassle-free operation for years

We apply only high quality materials for our connectors, and combined with our long experience in producing and installing, we can assure a lifetime of more than 10 years.

USP #3
Get lower installation costs

Installing our hoses and pipes is an easy operation, which saves man hours and helps keep your installation costs at a minimum.

Durable connectors for busy laboratories

– flexible tubing gives you more options

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The ideal solution when flexibility is key

Easy and cost-effective installation
BROEN-LAB Flexible Connectors are designed to provide laboratories with more flexibility and lower costs without compromising the need for safe operation.

Gives more options when new setups are required
We know the requirements of a modern laboratory and have designed our hoses and pipes accordingly. Therefore, you can rely on the performance, durability, easy operation and flexibility of the products.


Various materials for various medias

There’s a connector for all needs
To ensure safe installation and a long service life, it is important to choose the right hoses or pipes. We offer a complete range of connectors that covers all requirements in a modern laboratory:

We can support all types of medias e.g.
- Taps
- Valves
- Regulators

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Your new and flexible laboratory begins here

Click and learn more about our extensive range of flexible solutions for laboratories.

More innovative technologies

Since our early days, we have tried to find new ways to improve quality, flexibility and durability of our products.
Our effort has led to several unique and patented technologies, which are now available to our customers.

Polyester Based Surface Treatment

Service Valves

Color Coding System

Quick Release and Connection Systems

UniFlex Connection