
Broen-Lab A/S (cvr. 36454423) is data controller and thereby responsible for the data we collect about you and we ensure that your personal data is processed in accordance with the current and existing legislation.

We take your data protection seriously and have therefore adopted this privacy policy that in-forms you of how we process and treat your data.

Contact information

If you wish to contact us regarding our processing of personal data, you can do that by sending an email to:

Adress: Drejervænget 2, 5610 Assens, Denmark


Processing of personal data

Personal data is every kind of information which in some way can be assigned to you. If you do not wish for us to process data about you, it may be difficult for us to adequately maintain or comply with the duties laid upon us in contracts or by legislation.

Potential clients

For you to become our client it is necessary that we gather the following data about you:

  • Name, work-phone number, work-email address

We gather personal data about clients for the following purposes:

  • Possible cooperation or purchase transactions in the future
  • Administration of your relation to us

We gather the data about you on the following legal basis:

  • The company’s legitimate interest which is to promote communication and possible cooperation which necessitates the processing of these personal data and the company assures that meeting this legitimate interest will not hurt the data subjects’ rights.

We store the data in the period established by legislation and deletes the data when they are no longer relevant. The period depends on the character of the data and the reason for the processing. Typically, data regarding potential clients will be deleted at the end of the agreement or when the correspondence is no longer relevant.

  • Data about potential clients are deleted 2 years after last contact or by request

For you to be our client it is necessary that we gather the following personal data about you:

  • Name, work-phone number, work-email address, signature

We gather personal data about clients for the following purposes:

  • Processing of your purchase and delivery of our service
  • Administration of your relation to us

We gather the data on the following legal basis:

  • Processing happens on behalf of the fulfillment of the agreement between the to parties

We store the data in the period established by legislation and deletes the data when they are no longer relevant. The period depends on the character of the data and the reason for the processing. Typically, data regarding clients will be deleted at the end of the agreement.

  • In correlation with the rules in AB92 it is necessary that we store the information for up to 7 years including current year, cf. AB 92 § 10, stk. 4.
Suppliers and partners

To be our supplier and partner it is necessary that we gather the following personal data about you:

  • Name, work-phone number, work-email address

We gather personal data about suppliers and partners for the following purpose:

  • Processing of our purchases/services
  • Administration of your relation to us

We gather the data on the following legal basis:

  • Processing happens on behalf of the agreement

We store the data in the period established by legislation and deletes the data when they are no longer relevant. The period depends on the character of the data and the reason for the processing. Typically, data regarding suppliers and partners will be deleted at the end of the agreement.

  • In correlation with the rules in AB92 it is necessary that we store the information for up to 7 years including current year, cf. AB 92 § 10, stk. 4.
Job applicants

When we receive your application, it will be read and processed by the following procedures:

The application with attachments is shared between the relevant employees in the recruiting process.

We use external recruiting agencies that will have access to the applications with attachments as well.

Personal data that appears in the recruiting process will be processed as follows:

Consent; is given by the applicant in connection with the resume and application. Fulfillment of a contract; In connection with the use of a recruiting agency applications are processed and sent to and from the agency. Balancing of interests; It is in both the company’s and the applicants interest that personal data is processed in the recruiting process.

We store your application with attachments until we find the right candidate for the job, and the recruiting process in ended. Then your application with attachments gets deleted.

We store unsolicited applications with attachments in 6 months whereafter they get deleted.

If we want to store your application with attachments in more than 6 months, we will contact you to get you consent.

Your consent is voluntary, and you can withdraw it at any time by contacting us using the contact information above.

Other information about pro-cessing


We have taken the necessary technical and organizational measures to prevent that your data accidentally or illegally gets deleted, released, lost, impaired or is disclosed to unauthorized persons, abused or in any way processed without legal grounds. The data controller ensures that processing only takes place, when all principles of data protection are fulfilled (GDPR, art. 5).

  • All data transmission is done with encryption, back-up procedures are in place, and access to personal data is regulated through user-ID’s and personal passwords.
Data minimization

We only collect, process, and store the personal data necessary to fulfill our purpose. Furthermore, it may be determined by law, what type of data it is necessary to collect and store in connection with our business practices. The type and the extent of the personal data we process can be determined by the need to comply with a contract or any other legal obligation.

Data is up to date

Since our service depends on the fact that your data is correct and up to date, we ask you to inform us about relevant changes in your personal data. You can make use of the contact information provided above to inform us about your changes, then we will make sure to update your data. If we notice that any data is incorrect, we will update the data and inform you about this.


Your consent to receive our newsletter is optional, and you can withdraw it by contacting us at any time. Use the contact information above if you want further information.

Passing on data

We use several third parties for storage and processing of data, including suppliers of IT solu-tions. These only process data on our behalf and may not use it for their own purposes. In relevant situations data is passed on to banks, debt collection, cargo firms, lawyers, accountants, and bookkeepers.

We only use data processors in the EU or third countries that has the necessary security guaran-ties, and companies in countries that can provide your data proper protection.

Shared data responsibility (When using social media)

We use the following social medias, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube that are catego-rized as shared data responsible. Shared data responsibility means that no personal information is passed on, but both parties are responsible for the purpose and processing of personal information.

If customer testimonials or anything like that are published, the legal basis: Consent is used.

Your rights

  • At any time, you have the right to be informed of what data we process concerning you, from where we have collected it and what we use it for. You may also be informed about how long we store your data, and who receives data concerning you, to that extent that we pass on data in Denmark and to foreign countries.
  • Upon request, we can inform you about what data we process concerning you. The access might be limited with respect to privacy protection, business secrets and immaterial rights.
  • If you think that the personal data, we process concerning you is incorrect, you have the right to have it corrected. In that case you must contact us and inform us what the correct information is. Make sure to be as precise as possible with your corrections, otherwise it may make it difficult or even impossible to comply with your request.
  • In some cases, we will have an obligation to delete your personal data. This is for instance the case if you withdraw your consent. If you think that your data is no longer necessary for the purpose for which we collected it, you can request for it to be deleted. You can also contact us if you believe that your data is processed in contravention of the law or other legal obligations. When you contact us with a request to have your personal data corrected or deleted, we examine whether the require-ments are fulfilled, and if that is the case, we make the changes or delete your data as soon as possi-ble.
  • You can lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (Datatilsynet, Denmark).
  • You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data. You can also object to our passing of your data for marketing purposes. You can make use of the contact information at the top to object. If your objection is justified, we make sure to stop the processing or passing of your per-sonal data.
  • You can make use of data portability if you want your data transferred to another data controller or data processor.
  • On our own initiative, we delete your personal data, when it is no longer needed for the purpose for which we collected it.

When you contact us with a request to have your personal data changed or deleted, we look in to if the requirements are fulfilled, and if so change or delete the data as fast as possible.

You can make use of your rights by contacting us. You can find our contact information at the top.